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2024-09-20 12:04理财动态



       周末带2岁宝宝去好友家串门,没成想路上大塞车,平时20分钟可以到的车程我们堵了1个小时。我抱着宝贝,跟她聊天,念童谣唱歌,意外发现她已经掌握,并且唱得挺好的英文歌有不少了哦~熊先生听她和我一起唱完《Big, Big, World》的时候,非常吃惊的说:“这么长都会啊~” 就这样打打闹闹唱唱跳跳中,我们渡过了很愉快的一小时,下车时开始有点飘雨(出门4点半,天还亮着呢,下车已经天黑还下雨了),我打电话请朋友带伞来接我们,怀里的熊宝宝唱起了:”Rain,rain, go away, come again another day……" 哈哈,超惊喜的,她不只是会唱,她是知道这首歌表达的是下雨天心情哒。



       于是,我从孕期开始就有意识的给她营造可以用英文”洗耳朵“的环境。 孕期是每天定时听英文经典歌专辑;出生后就尽可能的给她多听英文歌;晚上陪睡我可以自由发挥的时候就都尽量给她唱英文歌和小童谣(她指定中文也会唱中文啦);偶尔看电视也帮她选原声版的《米奇妙妙屋》或者巴塔木儿歌。(有些英文儿歌发音是很可怕的,我得帮她过滤掉),1周8之后开始进入语音爆发期,我也慢慢的看到了自己前面的”洗耳朵“成绩。




      好吧,在年前大塞车的周末这一小时里,没有烦躁,没有无奈,在小小的车厢里,熊太太享受了这份小确幸~【ABC 字母歌】A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S TU V WX Y ZX Y ZNow you seeI can sing my A B C===================【London Bridge】London Bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down.My fair lady.London Bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down.My fair lady.London Bridge is falling down,falling down, falling down.London Bridge is falling down.My fair lady.====================【THE GYMBO DANCE】 (15个月开始可以跟着边唱边跳)Gymbo the clown goes up and down, up and down, up and down,Gymbo the clown goes up and down, all day longGymbo the clown goes side to side, side to side, side to sideGymbo the clown goes side to side, all day longGymbo the clown goes twist twist twist, twist twist twist, twist twisttwist,Gymbo the clown goes twist twist twist, all day long。Gymbo The Clown goes peek a boo,peek a boo,peek a boo,Gymbo The Clown goes peek a boo,all day longGymbo The Clown goes shhh shhh shhh,shhh shhh shhh,shhh shhh shhhGymbo The Clown goes shhh shhh shhh,all day longGymbo The Clown says bye bye bye,bye bye bye ,bye bye bye……=====================【Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star】 (小星星,一边唱一边用手一张一抓握的比划一闪一闪)Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!=====================【Happy New Year! 】元旦快到时候教的。实用两个月。哈哈Happy new year,happy new year,happy new year to you all.we are singing,we are dancing.happy new year to you all.=====================【Teddy Bear】(巴塔木儿歌版本,睡前催眠曲)Teddy Bear,Teddy Bear, Turn aroundTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, Touch the groundTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, Waggle your noseTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, Touch your toesTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, I Love YouTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, That is TureTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, Turn off the lightTeddy Bear,Teddy Bear, Say Good-nightTeddy (每次她唱到最后这个小小声的Teddy最萌了,心都醉了) ====================【Rian,Rain,Go Away】下雨天唱的歌Rian,Rain,Go Away, come again another day, Little bada wants to play,come again another day.Rian,Rain,Go Away, come again another day, Little mimi wants to play,come again another day.( 名字可以改成Wendy,妈妈,爸爸等其他角色) ====================【Big Big World】 (歌词太长,还不能全部记住,但可以完整的跟我唱完)I'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.I can see the first leaf fallingIt's all yellow and niceIt's so very cold outsideLike the way I'm feeling insideI'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.Outside it's now rainingAnd tears are falling from my eyesWhy did it have to happenWhy did it all have to endI'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.I have your arms around me ooooh like fireBut when I open my eyesYou're gone.I'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feelthat I do do will miss you muchMiss you much.I'm a big big girlIn a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do feel I will miss you muchMiss you much.========================【You Are My Sunshine】 (张靓颖版本/目前只会第一段)You are my sunshinemy only sunshineYou make me happywhen skies are grayYou'll never know dearhow much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

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